Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Friday, August 18, 2006

Pre-tribulation rapture of the church, part 1

This "presentation" was promised to a brother of mine about 10 months ago. I have only posted the first part which deals with the so-called "last trumpet" of 1 Corinthians 15:52 which is a starting point argument for many, though not all post-tribs.
May it be a blessing to all.

pre-tribulation rapture of the CHURCH


  1. Anonymous said...
    According to the American Heritage Dictionary of the ENglish Language (a dictionary solely devoted to defining Old English Words), trump means trumpet:

    trump2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (trmp)
    A trumpet.

    [Middle English trompe, from Old French. See trumpet.]

    There is no need for such a pointless discussion as to the meaning of trump (especially when it means trumpet), when the writer could have easily focused on context. Those who believe that the seventh angel and the last trump/ trumpet are the same are foolish because they read out of CONTEXT, not because they have an incorrect Bible version.

    overall: good study

    however, please refrain from using synonyms as two different words and using that to argue through part of a Bible study.
    Revelation 2:17 said...
    The Bible defines its own terms and supersedes the "American Dictionary of the English Language". I simply quoted a dictionary to show that even in the world,a "trump" can signify a sound of trumpeting. As a musician I'm sure you understood that faster than most, including myself.

    You are right about the context. In fact some post-tribs refuse the "last trumpet" argument based on that. However I didn't use it because Paul could easily have had a revelation about the last coming trumpet if that's what the Holy Spirit wanted. This is clear because the Holy Spirit does reveal to Paul something about "the last trump" (not trumpet) which, whether you're pre or mid or post trib; lies in the future.
    I forgot to add to the post that we will be called by name at the rapture, and that the unsaved will only hear thunder.
    Consecrated said...
    I am looking forward to the remaining material. I am not sure that Matthew realizes that you took all this time to study and prepare a comprehensive answer on the subject matter. If he does, may be he too is awaiting the remaining part.
    Carey said...
    I'm going to read as soon as I get home (at work now).

    Rev, what happened to the video?
    Anonymous said...
    why isn't anyone commenting or placing new posts up?!

    Is this a test of patience to make sure we all have the fruits of the spirit?
    Anonymous said...
    let there be light
    Anonymous said...
    he who has ears let him hear
    Anonymous said...
    why doesn't the blog comments page capitalize the names. (For example, it made Jesus into jesus and GOd into god). Is there a way to fix that?
    Carey said...
    *scratches head and waits patiently for new post*
    Anonymous said...
    Praise the Lord! Someone posted!

    Thank you Carey!
    Revelation 2:17 said...

    personally, have been busy. Recently came back from a Pastors' conference in Ohio.
    Should be writing soon.

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