more Information
Allright, a little information on some events is due,
At the Beirut airport, I lost my passport briefly, then was told I needed the army papers in order to leave the country, which were a 2 hours drive back, while the plane would be taking off in an hour and thirty minutes, never mind the line and other minor delays that exacerbate such a critical situation.
I prayed to the Lord, as many I found out were doing. I prayed that His will be done, even if it meant my staying in Lebanon, but begged Him to have mercy on my mother and sister, and sure enough He had his servant find favor in the eyes of the airport lieutenant who eased things out allowing me to fly.
Sitting into the chair, 43H, I put mine Arabic Bible and a book called "God and Design" in the net of the seat before me. Enter a man, who sits next to me. He eyes the book and asks me about it. Ensues a pre-takeoff 2 and a half conversation wherein I preached the Gospel of Salvation. The many prayers lifted for opportunities to witness during my trip were paying off.
He is a man of Shi3a Islam, practicing, who has never read the Bible. Nothing seemed to pierce his heart as he repeated the same quotations over and over again, but lastly he said he wanted to read the Bible and we exchanged emails.
We found Bibles here of all the languages required for the foreign populace back in Lebanon, Tamil, Urdu, Sinhalese, Tagalog, some doubled with English. It's great, because they are hard to find in the Middle East. Praise the Lord.....more to come again