Have you been to Calvary?
I love listening to Ravi Zachrias. Ravi is a one of a kind christian philosopher and you can check his web site entitled Rafi Zachrias International Ministries at www.RZIM.org. where you can order his sermons too. He comes on the christian radio am760 in Montreal every Saturday at 11hrs. am. For a good three weeks now he has been covering a series of sermons called "Why can't I feel my faith". I cannot repeat what he said, but he did go through the importance of the word of God and of the church and of good hymanls. But what struck me most is how he stressed OBEDEIENCE. He gave the perfect example of Jesus whose feelings made him dread the separation from the Father, and wished there would have been some other way than the cross but he went through it all through OBDEIENCE. The obedience which led to his self denial and death on the cross which he endured for our salvation. He also related how Paul buffeted his body in order to be found in Christ. Oswald Chambers always said that we should not pray about our moods but rather battle them.
In the end, I was struck by the way Rafi Zacharias ended those sermons. Listen to how he ended. He said when you ask yourself Why can't I feel my faith, ask yourself, Have I been to Calvary?