I'm not familiar with his doctrine but I can recognize when God uses a man. It's a good feeling you express, one that is unfortunately lacking amongst the saved.
Paisley is a great man, and a great preacher. Being a Presbyterian, he is a Calvinist, but from what I've heard of his sermons, he is a "moderate" Calvinist. He doesn't put much emphasis on the five points of Calvinism. And I'm not even sure if he believes all five points....I've never heard him preach the stuff.
There are tons of his sermons on sermonaudio.com. I will post a link here to one of my favorites. But listen, when you find him on Sermonaudio.com, you have to scroll to the bottom of the page, and select a high page number to get to his older sermons. They are better than his newer ones. Here is one of his older sermons.....(if the link doesn't post as a link, copy and paste the http address into your browser)...
Hey, the following link is an audio file of Ian Paisley in a 1967 debate at Oxford. The crowd is laughing at him and mocking him, but he stands like a brick wall and keeps on preaching. I have alot of respect for a man like that.
In 1988, when the pope visited the Parliament that Paisley was part of, Paisley stood up when the pope was introduced and called him an "ANTICHRIST". The guards beat him up and escorted him out of the Parliament, but he didn't back down or shut up. Praise the Lord!
Bryan, thanks for the links, I saved the debate and hope to post it sometime soon. I'll check the John Knox one too, I've heard/read that bloody Mary said “I fear the prayers of John Knox far more than all the armies of Scotland.” and variations in the same vein.
I'm not familiar with his doctrine but I can recognize when God uses a man. It's a good feeling you express, one that is unfortunately lacking amongst the saved.
There are tons of his sermons on sermonaudio.com. I will post a link here to one of my favorites. But listen, when you find him on Sermonaudio.com, you have to scroll to the bottom of the page, and select a high page number to get to his older sermons. They are better than his newer ones. Here is one of his older sermons.....(if the link doesn't post as a link, copy and paste the http address into your browser)...
John Knox
In 1988, when the pope visited the Parliament that Paisley was part of, Paisley stood up when the pope was introduced and called him an "ANTICHRIST". The guards beat him up and escorted him out of the Parliament, but he didn't back down or shut up. Praise the Lord!
Here is the link to the debate:
1967 Televised Oxford Union Debate
“I fear the prayers of John Knox far more than all the armies of Scotland.”
and variations in the same vein.