Some hymns, good old hymns
So many people worship in the flesh nowadays. They figure that because the ear of the flesh is pleased, and their body is driven to motion, then it must be from the Holy Spirit...HOLY Spirit. I guess hymns are too spiritual for the flesh. Well I'm here to let you now that Bible-believing youths like myself (I'm 25) still love the good ol' hymns and we sing our lungs out, rejoicing in Christ Jesus.
"He Leadeth Me", A Capella, the Drummond Family
And to end, again congregational music from the Baptist Bible Church in Pensecola:
"I've A Home Beyond The River", is number 499 in the hymnal "Great Hymns of the Faith".
My church here in Laval sings its lungs out when it comes to this hymn
We worship the Lord Jesus Christ in the spirit, not in the flesh, but with joy my friends, with joy.
Labels: music
check out our brother's blog "Bible preaching and Spiritual songs".
Have y'all ever heard "The Bible Stands" written by Haldor Lillenas? Awesome.
The Bible stands though the hills may tumble, .... For the "King James Bible" stands. Try it and see. Sounds lovely.