Where are you?
Have been trying your cell phone for three hours now. Can't get through. The service tells me that no one is answering the call. I need a sign of life.
Have been trying your cell phone for three hours now. Can't get through. The service tells me that no one is answering the call. I need a sign of life.
Posted by Consecrated at 3:33 PM | 1 comments
I am writing from a net-cafe near my apartment. One of the guys here received a message a few moments ago that a bomb was found not far from here. At first we were not too concerned given the lebanese tradition of "salting" any potentially significant news. Then came a couple of men with the same story, claiming that the road around the bomb area was blocked, and security was in place. An officer of the latter apparently informed one of the men that it was a 350 kgs car-bomb. I can't judge the veracity of the details, but it is unsettling news nonetheless. For those of you who know the layout of Ashrafieh, you can simply imagine what that would do.
Please keep Lebanon in the fervour of your prayers. We want peace, and the flow of the Word of God. If death should find us, may it be for the sake of His glory.
Will post more if the news is confirmed or denied.
I just drove down the main lane and in fact saw the yellow tape forbidding entry to a perpendicular street. As I was u-turning, a "darak" (closest thing to the western police)jeep was coming up the street. So I u-turned once more and sped to catch up with them about a kilometer back up, past Sassine square, half-way to Sodeco square. I waved to bid them open their window and proceeded to enquire of the situation.
Their reply was that they were clearing some cars for "asphalt" renovation.
The guys back here at the net-cafe enjoyed the humour.
That is more of a confirmation than a flat-out "yes".
I have Psalm 91. May the Lord spare us all a war.
There is a judge of nations, and yet a day of reckoning.
Posted by Revelation 2:17 at 3:17 PM | 4 comments
Our God is going to rain Hail, with a big H and Horror (notice the big H) on this earth. For those of you who do not understand what I am talking about, I am referring to the cover story of the Canadian Edition/March 21, 2005 of Time Magazine.
I was horrified to read the article in mention. I can't even quote the title of the article for I find it blasphemous. I must admit I had to force myself to read through some of it, stopping many times mid stream. I cannot fathom or comprehend how removed from the truth are people who call themselves Christians. Then this verse popped in my head, and I want to share it.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 - Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
My question to everybody is the following? Are we seeing the FALLING AWAY with our own eyes. Is the christian world now falling away?
God forbid that any true believer and disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ should be deceived by the liberalism that is invading the world triggered by feminism and orchestrated by none other than the enemy of our souls.
Posted by Consecrated at 1:35 PM | 0 comments
There was a time when I was the most passionately zealous lebanese nationalist of all, bar none. There is a violence of emotion, a certain turbulence of spirit that is concomittant with such alienating zeal.
Today, 2 things have changed. The country for which mine heart beats, and the quality of my love. Jesus Christ has given me a peace that the countries and causes of the world cannot offer.
I am in love with the King of a country called heaven. His peace is shed over my soul and I am liberated from the enthrallment of worldly ideals, wherein dwells no true nobility, no innocence, no true love, no redeeming fellowship.
I write even as I watch live coverage of the biggest protest in Lebanon's ancient and eventful history. (Lebanon is ruled by its neighbour Syria and most of the population has had enough of the hegemony, especially after the assassination of the leading figure of Lebanese political-economy). The streets I see are swollen with popular anger I know the scene well. The pulse is apounding and the blood is aboiling, and the clamours of hundreds of thousands, written into the triumphant music of liberational politics, roar and rip the air.
I am today fond of Lebanon the way one would be fond of the country of his sojourn, having dwelt therein for a number of years. Surely mine affections are wired as I wish the land freedom for all, that peace may reign.
But it is only a question of lesser evil.
This world system is hopelessly corrupt, and is condemned. Humanists can implode their lungs in denial; until He whose name is Righteousness reigneth in visible glory, the world will have no peace. Kindly revise the history of the Middle East for example. I have empirical data written with the blood of countless human beings felled in the battlefield for the kindgoms and ideologies of this fallen world; data ablaze with the fires of innumerable wars.
I am a realist, but with more of a hope and future in Christ than the most unabated optimist.
Beware, believers, that the "prince of this world" (JOHN 14:30), the one unto whom ALL earthly kingdoms are delivered, which he gives to WHOMSOEVER he wills (LUKE 4:6) USURP not your allegiance to Christ and the energetic zeal of your youth. Beware beware beware.Our heavenly allegiance is our ONLY one, not our first one. This is especially important to grasp given the nature of the coming world order under the anti-christ, which type once was under Roman rule.The Romans did not mind that those they ruled had their own national gods. They wisely, (satan is full of wisdom, EZEKIEL 28:12)allowed the peoples to worship their divinities, under one condition: that first allegiance and worship was owed unto Caesar. But that, as many believers understood, compromised the absolute sovereignty of Jesus over their lives. They suffered death. It is here useful to be reminded that we are nevertheless to be obedient to the authorities, WHOMEVER they may be in everything except that which would compromise our Biblical walk with Jesus our God, and to lift them up in prayer for they are set up to punish the evildoers and reward those that do well, never having a bad word or even thought against their person(ECCLESIASTES 10:20, ROMANS 13:1-7, TITUS 3:1, 1TIMOTHY 2:1-3, 1PETER 2:13-18, 2PETER 2:10, JUDE 8-9) for in this manner, we, as David concerning Saul, express reverence to the SOVEREIGNTY of God who remains absolut King in the affairs of men, despite satan's authority, setting up and bringing down governments as He well pleases(DANIEL 4:17)
We remain sojourners, strangers, pilgrims in this world (1PETER 2:11).If we believe that we are not of it, let us live likewise. In JEREMIAH 38:17-18, God ordered and blessed those that went out into the hand of the foreign power, cursing those who trusted yet in their land and their own. So if we are sojourners, we are not any closer to those rulers of our earhtly country than to those that rule our neighbour.Still, as previously admitted, bonds of affection are inevitably formed, and good may they well be, in the sense that they teach us what must be felt towards our heavenly abode, that they churn our bowels for the salvation of our countrymen and their peace. The desire for freedom and justice is only natural also.We are concerned over which kind of state rules over us, only in as far as we want free course for the Word of God, and peace.(2THESSALONIANS 3:1-3)=================================================
By faith Abraham, when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went.By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise:For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God.These all died in faith, not having received the promises, but having seen them afar off, and were persuaded of them, and embraced them, and confessed that they were strangers and pilgrims on the earth.For they that say such things declare plainly that they seek a country.And truly, if they had been mindful of that country from whence they came out, they might have had opportunity to have returned.But now they desire a better country, that is, an heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed to be called their God: for he hath prepared for them a city. HEBREWS 11:8-10, 13-16
This is NOT mere poetry. So LIVE it.
Lastly, beware of the leaven of Herod (Matthew 8:15) which is politics.Divide the Word of Truth, and understand that the power of Christ is not that of the state. Only at His second return as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, will Jesus rule BOTH as Son of God and Son of Man. Believe it or not, there are protestant equivalents to the catholic insitution's equating the Kingdom of God (defined by the Bible as righteousness, peace and joy with the Holy Spirit, ROMANS 14:17) with the Kingdom of Heaven (created world) and thereby justifying ruling POLITICALLY upon the earth. The overlap you see between the two kingdoms in some verses is because Jesus rules over BOTH, as son of God and son of Man, the latter rule being made manifest when the Rock shall smite the statue of gentile world power.
Jesus answered, My kingdom is NOT of this world: IF my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence. JOHN 18:36 Note the "now"in the last part. It is not spoken in vain.Any person, organization, institution that abides not by these words, witnesses against its own divine origin. What is not of God is of the devil.
Posted by Revelation 2:17 at 8:12 AM | 4 comments
I was struck by this phrase which the Lord interjected right in the middle of a parable he was telling his disciples. See Luke chpater 12 verse 38. It goes like this:
Luke 12:36 - And ye yourselves like unto men that wait for their lord, when he will return from the wedding; that when he cometh and knocketh, they...
If you stop to think about the phrase "when he will return from the wedding" for a moment, and considering that every parable our Lord spoke will come true in its minutest detail,I believe you'll find another proof that the wedding of our Lord to his spotless bride, the church, will take place after the rapture and before his return in power and in glory to reign on this earth. Otherwise, why would he refer to the "when he will return from the wedding"?
Amazing, isn't it?
Posted by Consecrated at 10:57 AM | 1 comments