Can you say that with all your heart
Let the righteous smite me; it shall be a kindness (?):
and let him reprove me; it shall be an excellent oil (?),
which shall not break my head: ...(Psalm 141:5)
Think about the above verse and be honest with yourself.
Although the verse speaks about Jesus, I believe that if every Christian maintained that attitude with his fellow Christian, how happy we would all be.
God bless,
(My smiley face is better than yours.....just kidding).....
I do not want to lampoon your creations.
talk later,
Love to tease you. God bless you, Joe.
Miss you,
don't feel bad...i'll get you back...
just kidding (maybe)
Saturday the men played hockey till midnight. Yesterday we left home at nine am returning midnight. A visiting pastor from North Carolina preached to us 3 times (kind of a revival). Our lunch extended from noon till 4:40 only to rush to choir practice followed by evening service followed by church fellowship etc. Result: limited blog time.
Just kidding. Enjoy yourselves.
Joe, Check you inbox and confirm receipt.