Real Estate Issues
I am ready to move. This week I placed my condo on the market. I have stayed at this location for about seven years now. My daughter says I am nomadic. Can't stay in one place for very long. I look at it this way. Moving is easier than repainting an occupied house. Can you imagine the dust and mess it makes to paint while you are living in one place. Besides my son will be visiting more often and staying for longer periods. With an additional room and bathroom I can always accommodate visitors. I would also love to have a small piece of land where I can plant a few things in my backyard. A swimming pool would also be nice. I prefer charcoal B.B.Qs. for summer. A treadmill in the basement works well in winter.
So you want to visit me in Montreal. Please pray for a quick transaction. I need to sell in six or seven weeks. The market is not as hot at this time of the year, but I am trusting the Lord to find me a suitable buyer and to lead me to the property of his choice.
And don't worry -- I don't take up too much space, so you can put in the bath tub if you need to! ;-)
God Bless
Condo is the short version of condominium. These are co-owned properties and in Canada they are available in either aparment buildings or a series of townhouses.
For a monthly fee charged by the Condo Administration, all the building services get looked after. This includes repairs of any major damages to the roof or the exterior of the building,landscaping,gardening, garbage and snow removal, fire place cleaning, etc.
Right now I am in an apartment type condominium and hope to move to a townhouse condominium, i.e. a cottage type residence with a basement and bedrooms upstairs.
Apartment condos are popular with single professionals or young couples. Townhouse condos are better suited for middle income families.
Anyways, sorry Auntie...but in California, you have to paint your house whether you want to move or not. Buyers won't even look at a house that's not newly remodeled, painted, and has a new carpet. Canadians have so many more blessings....gas, homes, etc....
But I will pray.
Joe, that is a big question.
It is getting sunnier, but it is very wet today.
Every Blessing in Christ
Joe, I only wanted to paint because I felt like having a new look. Friends were surprised to hear I wanted to paint because the apartment is really very nice and quite clean.
About buyers wanting me to paint,I must say that I would not want others to choose the color palette for me. I don't want to be stuck with accentuated colors such as bright red, deep purple or yellow, Irish green etc. (For some reason many people on the West Island of Montreal like these colors). I prefer to choose my own shades.
Just like you Carey, I can't see myself in one place for a long time. I also love to travel with colleagues. It is so much more fun when you have company.
We have a rainy week ahead of us in Montreal. Spring is generally rainy. Hoping to move in summer.
It sounds like the word refers to the letting arrangement. I am not sure if we have an exact equivalent. We have letting agencies, but I do not think that is exactly the same.
Every Blessing in Christ
God Bless