Romans 3:23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Romans 10:13 For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.

Revelation 20:14 And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.

Revelation 20:15 And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006


Genesis 3:14 And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed above all CATTLE, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life

10 points to whoever understands why the serpent is classified as "cattle"


  1. Carey said...
    The word used for "cattle" is behemah [be-hay-maw'], meaning "beast, cattle, animal; beasts (coll of all animals); cattle, livestock (of domestic animals); wild beasts." "Every beast of the field," chay [khah'ee], is a term used for every living thing (including plants).

    Am I along the right track?
    Carey said...
    In other words, behemah could be used as "wild beasts," but it is often used as "domesticated livestock."

    That is interesting... if God was comparing the serpent to domesticated livestock... is this a way of putting the serpent down, in a sense? Like lowering him?
    Carey said...
    Belittle... that's the word I was looking for.
    Revelation 2:17 said...
    Carey, I'm excited, because maybe when you read the answer, you will come to see that the King James Bible is the Word of God.

    I read left and right about this subject, pro-KJB and con-KJB, but what got me was the doctrines which the KJB reveals. God doesn't and never expected his children to go study ancient languages in order to get insight into his words. The method is scripture with scripture, not scripture with lexicon ;)
    Consecrated said...
    Was its classification to a reptile changed after the Fall?
    Revelation 2:17 said...
    even if it were, question stands
    Matthew Celestine said...
    A reference to the angels or living creatures that resemble Oxen? The Beasts of the field being a reference to the angels that look like lions?

    I think Satan is a reptilian or serpentine angel.

    I am not so sure that this verse is classifying serpents as cattle. It is simply making a comparison with other animals, the use of cattle here denoting those used in agriculture.

    This is just a way of saying 'Thou art cursed above other animals' I think.

    Every Blessing in Christ

    Redeemed said...
    Oh Fun.

    This is just a wild guess.

    Because the serpet WAS a cattle. It didn't always crawl on its belly. That came about as a curse upon the serpent. We don't know what the serpent looked like before the curse.

    This is making me anxious, I can hardly wait to learn the answer. I love this sort of stuff.
    Redeemed said...
    Oh, never mind, I just noticed that my answer is like Consecrated's, so my guess is probably wrong. I was just so anxious to give in my guess, that I read the comments afterwards.

    Now I'm even more anxious and almost at the point of biting my nails!
    Redeemed said...
    Wait, but my answer could make sense, look here:

    Gen 1:24 And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping thing, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.


    Gen 1:25 And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good.

    (there are a few other verses as such in Genesis)

    So there were "creeping things" even before the curse. We know that the serpent NOW is a creeping thing, a reptile, crawling on its belly. So for God to say "thou art cursed above all CATTLE", it must have BEEN a cattle and NOT a creeping thing.

    Does this make sense. I MUST KNOW!! Plus you mentioned something about the KJV which really makes me excited!
    Carey said...
    Sarah, because the serpent was cattle?? *puzzled look*

    Rev, you don't have to persuade me that the KJV is the Word of God. Though I am not dogmatic about it, the KJV (or NKJV) is certainly my preference.

    I know I don't have to use a lexicon or study ancient Hebrew to get insight into God's word, but since I love linguistics so much, I feel it gives me a better grasp if I can go back to the original language. That's just me.

    All, right... let me think...

    Whatever the Creature was when Satan tempted Eve did not start as a snake (as we know it), but became a snake... so... but I'm still not sure why the term "cattle."

    Ever since Gen. 3, Satan is represented by some sort of serpentine animal (Job 26:13, Isa 51:9, Rev 12:9), but why cattle in Gen 3?

    Oi... I shall have to wrack my brain some more tommorrow morning. Am I getting anywhere with my suppositions?
    Revelation 2:17 said...
    Matthew, you started out along the right line.
    It is not that serpentS are being classified as cattle.
    (by the way, one couldn't demonstrate that Satan was an angel)

    Redeemed, I had the same thought.
    It might connect to Matthew's initial guess somehow.

    Carey, fair enough, we'll postpone that point lol.
    I love linguistics also, am taking my second module this semester. Chomsky is giving a lecture today and tomorrow, in Lebanon.
    Not that I'm going, some guy has insight into language and he figures he's a master politican.
    There's also a huge parties' manifestation today and people are nervous. Shaping up to be some day.
    Anyway am digressing. Must run off to uni. Will post later.
    God bless you all.
    Carey said...
    Oh, you mean I have to wait?? *sigh* I am really interested to, read what you have to say. The suspense is killing me.

    "There's also a huge parties' manifestation today and people are nervous. Shaping up to be some day."

    Let us know how the day goes.
    Redeemed said...
    Carey, I guess you and I will both have to hold our breath. I'm dying to know the answer!

    Rev. will pray for the way, 5 weeks now! yippie yay!
    Consecrated said...
    Hope you get back safely. Keep us posted on the manifestation also.

    To think that Redeemed will be visitng under conditions like this is a bit worrisome.
    Redeemed said...
    I am not worried, only excited. Maybe a bit anxious too.
    Carey said...
    Do you need a bodyguard, Sarah? *winks* I may only be five feet tall, but I can be pretty scary! *laughs*
    Anonymous said...
    "And God said, Let the earth bring forth the living creature after his kind, cattle, and creeping things, and beast of the earth after his kind: and it was so.....and God saw that IT WAS GOOD......Thou art cursed above all catlle, and above every beast of the field.....

    Okay...when it says you are cursed ABOVE every does not mean the cattle are cursed in any way and the serpent just gets it worse. It means that now the serpent is set apart unlike the other beasts of the earth. It is a method of differentiation. What does cattle mean? A domestic animal? this society that might be true. But then what about all the other words in the Bible, such as ass? That no longer has the same meaning. Then it can be said that the serpent is not classified as cattle as you would suppose. It is classified as a beast of the earth. Why analyze the Bible beyond its simple truth? We must not become like the ancient Jews, that took the old testament and added layer upon layer of interpretation and questioning until they could never see the real truth when Christ came.....

    Secondly, someone made a post about the King James Version. I personally use that version. But it is not Biblically based or justified that this Bible is the only Word of God. There is only one Word of God. THat is Christ. He has given us His words. If you want to be techinical, go read Greek and Hebrew. That is the only way for you to understand the Bible truly.(upon those premises.) What about the other countries, where there is a translation directly from Greek. Are they worse off CHristians? Do they have a worse type of Bible? What talk is this? You are like the Corinthians saying I am of Apollos, or I am of it different (the word)? ONe came out of the mouth of Paul and one out of the mouth of Apollos. One is coming out of King James Version and one is coming out of the other.....It is not the thee's and the thou's that decree the Bible's worth....but the fact that it is the LIVING WORD OF GOD.

    If you still believe that this is the only true word of God, do some research about King James himself. He was Anglican. He sympathized with the Catholic church, giving them payments, money, and support and even trying to become one! He divorced and committed acts that were completely unChristian. And the Bible that was dedicated to him and decreed to be translated under his watch.....Can you then say that this is the only true Word of God? How can somehting be blessed if it is not under the jurisdiction of one who is under Christ? your ways of thinking, we are stuck. But when you realize that it is all of God and what the Word truly is, then....
    I am not saying that such versions as the LIving Word and all that are good. These change and add to the bible. That is agianst such teaching. But the difference between the English Standard, or American Standard, or the King James Version should not be a subject of discussion between the faiths, levels of understanding, or wisdom of believers.

    Carey said...
    Whoah... somehow I sense a debate coming on... wonder what Rev's reply will be...
    Revelation 2:17 said...
    Good of you to drop in Joe.

    We know that all creation was cursed, including animals.

    I didn't mean that post to become a King James debate. All the points you raised I've considered, and many besides. I understand your reaction. I've reacted the same way to that subject before.

    God bless you
    Redeemed said...
    And the answr is....

    Oh, c'mon I dying to know the answer, please oh please post the answer. :) pretty please :)
    Redeemed said...
    oh never mind my last point, i just saw that you posted the answer on bible studies. When you read my comment there, u will understand why I'm in such a hurry.
    Redeemed said...
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    Carey said...
    *laughs* Sarah, you are so cute.
    Redeemed said...
    awe! cute, just like my long-lost sister :)

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